Курс HVCL: Продвинутый курс: Секреты кластеризации и виртуализации Windows Server 1709
Цена для физических лиц, р.: 58900
Цена для юридических лиц, р.: 59900
Продолжительность курса (дней): 5
Даты (день):
Даты (вечер):
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План курса:
Module 1: Introduction to Hyper-V and Failover Clustering
- Section 1: Introduction to Hyper-V and Failover Clustering
- Section 2: Semi-Annual vs. Long-term Servicing Channels
- Section 3: New Features Introduction: Windows Server 2016 and 1709
Module 2: Hyper-V Architecture and Management
- Section 1: Operating System Installation Options
- Section 2: Hyper-V Installation and Configuration
- Section 3: Host Management
- Lab 2: Install Hyper-V Role and Build Failover Cluster
- Section 4: Implementing Virtual Machines
- Section 5: Virtual Machine Management
- Lab 3: Creating Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Mobility - Part I
- Section 6: Virtual Machine Mobility, Migration, and Post-Migration Tasks
- Lab 1: Preparing For Labs Using Hyper-V
- Lab 3-3: Creating Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Mobility – Part II
- Section 7: Hyper-V Architecture
Module 3: Failover Cluster Architecture and Management
- Section 1: Installation, Deployment Considerations, and Configuration
- Section 2: Cluster Management
- Section 3: Failover Cluster Topics
- Section 4: Multi-Site Clusters
- Section 5: Resiliency
- Section 6: Migration
- Section 7: Hyper-converged cluster sets
- Section 8: “Honolulu” web management
Module 4: Hyper-V Network Technologies
- Section 1: Hyper-V Network Fundamentals
- Section 2: Hyper-V and NIC Teaming
- Section 3: Hyper-V Network Optimizations
- Section 4: NIC Teaming and Hyper-V Network Optimization Interaction
- Section 5: Hyper-V Network Architectures
- Section 6: Cluster Networking
- Section 7: Hyper-V Extensible Switch Types
- Section 8: Hyper-V Switch Ports Advanced Features
- Lab 4: Networking Technologies and Scenarios
Module 5: Hyper-V Storage Technologies
- Section 1: Introduction to Storage Options
- Section 2: SMB Multichannel and File Shares (SOFS)
- Section 3: Storage Spaces, Pools, and Spaces Direct
- Section 4: Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV)
- Section 5: Other Storage Topics
- Section 6: Common Troubleshooting Scenarios
- LAB 5: Storage Technologies and Scenarios
Module 6: Hyper-V Backup and Disaster Recovery
- Section 1: Backup and Restore
- Lab 6: Backups & Disaster Recovery – Part I
- Section 2: Disaster Recovery
- Lab 6: Backups & Disaster Recovery – Part II
- Section 3: Azure Services
Module 7: Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting
- Section 1: Metering and Resource Pools
- Section 2: Performance Counters
- Section 3: Event Logs
- Section 4: Cluster Logs
- Section 5: Windows Error Reporting
- Section 6: Cluster Diagnostics
- Section 7: Other Cluster Diagnostic Improvements
- Section 8: Cluster Architecture
- Section 9: Common Troubleshooting Scenarios